Product Info

Pruning Pole Saw

Pruning Pole Saw


The Echo PPt-260 Power Pruner is designed to handle the most
rigorous pruning jobs. With all the power you could need
the Echo PPt-260 Power Pruner will make short work of your Pruning Jobs
With a telescoping shaft that extends up to 12ft 8 in. the Echo
PPt-260 Power Pruner can reach most of the heights you need.

•Engine Displacement (cc): 25.4
•Carburetor: Rotary with Purge Pump
•Bar Length: 12"
•Fuel Capacity: 18.6 fl oz
•Oil Capacity: 7.6 fl oz
•Length Minimum: 109"
•Length Extended: 154"
•Pro-Fire Electronic Ignition: STD
•Dry Weight: 16.9 lbs

Please contact us for current pricing and availability.